8 June 2009

God, Creationism and Evolution

OK, here's something that has always puzzled me. As a Christian with a science degree, I have often wondered why people pressume that one explanation of creation renders another obselete when for all they know, the alternative theories could coexist!

I have often noticed this with scientists in particular, eg the age old nature vs nurture debate - "are we the way we are because of how we were born (nature - genes) or because of how we are raised (nurture)". The debate has raged for as long as the history of psychology, at least. And yet, most intelligent people will readily admit that it is most likely a combination of the two! Not the scientist though, at least, not when they're trying to prove a theory!

As a scientist that can conceptualise that science may provide explanations, but not have all the answers, and not being too big a lover of absolutes, I have come to believe that God was the spark of life, and Evolution was his method of creation!

God is often referred to in the bible as a potter (Isiah 64:8) where things are molded into creation rather than a magic hey presto with a wave of the wand. Genesis 1:20-27 says that God told the earth to send forth that which was created, could you think of a better way to describe evolution? Furthermore, the bible sates that to God "a single day is like a thousand years and a thousand years as a day" (2 Peter 3:8). This suggests that not only does God experience time differently to us, but what he created in 7 days (or stages) may have been may thousands of years in our time. Perhaps enough time for evolution to be used as the method for creating different species?

Also, I don't know if you've noticed, but the order it says that God developed things is akin to that proposed by evolutionists (Genesis Chapter 1). Yet how could pre-scientific man have known the order of life development if he were not told by the maker?

But more on this later. I'm aware of wanting to get quite a few topics up and to this end, I am rather rushing through posting them but I will return at a later date to add more references and information where required.

Thank you for your understanding.

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